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Group Communication

In our program, students uses 4 types of communication tools to communicate each other. Those are 1) Guidance Board, 2) Group Discussion Board, 3) Worksheet on Google Slides, and 4) Zoom.

Guidance Board with 7 steps will guide students step by step

Student groups proceed with the program based on COIL* method 7 steps.
On the guidance board , students will see where they are in the 7 steps and what's coming next. Descriptions in each step will guide them through what to do until when.

(*Collaborative Online International Learning)


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Share and discuss ideas
Group Discussion Board

Students will mainly use Group Discussion Board (web forum tool) to communicate in their group. They can post texts, photos, videos and files from AirPangaea web page on their desktop or mobile, to share and discuss ideas.


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Collaborative work on original Worksheet on Google Slides

Students are invited to a shared space on Google Slides with the original Worksheet, to do collaborative work, in which they can utilize comment feature to discuss on the slides. 

スクリーンショット 2022-04-23 11.52.23.png

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Group Video Chat via Zoom

Students have an opportunity to have a video chat with group members every week via Zoom Breakout rooms. 

AirPangaea Briefing Session MY-ID 2021-06-25.png

If you want to learn about our 7 step program, please click below and go back to How It Works page.

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