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Case Study: Partnership between Seikei, Musashi & Bina Bangsa - Bandung Campus

​Japanese students from Seikei Senior High School and Musashi High School and Junior High School, Tokyo, Japan collaborated online with Indonesian students from Bina Bangsa School - Bandung Campus, Indonesia for 6 weeks, starting in September, 2022. 16 students split into 3 small mixed groups and conducted the group work for the conservation of natural resources based on MOTTAINAI (What a waste!) that Kenyan environmentalist Wangari Maathai, a Nobel Peace Prize winner, introduced  as a slogan for environmental protection.​

Cooperation by

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Orientation Day

On the first day, we conducted the joint orientation session with all participants in one online space. Each country gave cultural introductions and we had small group chats in breakout rooms to get to know each other. Although all students looked a bit nervous, they successfully delivered all items they prepared, and socialized with each other.


Cultural Exchange

After the orientation session, students split into 3 small mixed groups and introduced their hobbies, cultures and daily lives on the Group Discussion Board. Every Thursday, they enjoyed sharing and talking in detail on group video chats. This cultural exchange taught them that there are similarities and differences in culture and lifestyle between two countries.

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Online Collaboration

In accordance with the worksheet , each group proceeded with online collaborative learning of how we can conserve natural resources. After sharing their MOTTAINAI (resource-wasting) activities in each country with each other, each group selected respectively water waste, overuse of plastic and excessive energy usage as a topic to dig in further.

Then, they discussed how much natural resources are consumed & how it would have an impact on the Earth. 


Presentation Day

On the final day, each group successfully delivered the final presentations in English. Voluntary extra video sessions seemed to contribute to the quality of the presentation and Q&A. What most left an impression was students' smiles with a mixture of a sense of accomplishment and relief at the last group photo. 
Everyone, wonderful jobs!!

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